Saturday, June 11, 2005

Boolean Encodings

Added section on boolean encodings.

Ugh, it's hot. Fucking lack of air conditioning.


Blogger pnkfelix said...

Haven't read your newest stuff.

But on the plane-ride back today, for the first time I sat down and really read the paper (both my section and yours).

I haven't finished everything yet, but I have a lot of feedback. I'll be typing most of it as marginpar comments in the text itself, but here are some Big Idea issues (I'll label them as short- and long- term as appropriate)

1. Long Term: there's a lot of inconsistency in terms of choice of notation between the two sections. Even little stuff like what meta-variables we use for the basis (type env.), the terms, etc, not to mention how we denote environment lookup or extension. Keep this in the back of your mind as you write new sections.

2. Short Term: reading over the object calculus stuff, it took me a long time to grok what was really going on. Part of it was lack of familiarity, but another part is that we simply need to be more explicit; we can't assume our audience has any more familiarity than we did when we started this thing. One of my biggest stumbling blocks was when I shifted from the Lambda calculus to the Varsigma calculus was in recognizing: (1) the Varsigma was a syntactic marker for a binding form, not a meta-variable itself, and (2) how to relate the example code you gave (which was from a hypothetical class based language with primitives for addition and such) to the terms in the calculus (which are from a prototype based language with no primitives beyond object constructors and method invocation)

It is great stuff for bending your mind around new concepts. And its fun to figure out what's going on beneath the surface. But its not likely to be as much fun for Prof. Attie.

I know that this is only a first draft, and much remains to be filled in. All I ask is that, while you're writing, if you know that you're going to need to flesh something out and you just don't want to spend time on it now because its not the meat of the paper (I approve of this), that is fine, but please make a note so that I know we'll need to go back and fill it in.

So, like I said, I'll have comments added in the margins sometime tomorrow.

12:06 AM  
Blogger pnkfelix said...

And it is hot.

1:51 AM  

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