Sunday, June 19, 2005


felix hungry for blog entry!

seriously, if you're planning on having this thing done by the end of this weekend, i'd like to know where you are right now.


Blogger pnkfelix said...

I wasted the weekend again. I'm really sorry, I'm just very bad at motivating myself to get working on something that doesn't grab my attention. If it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty good at putting in long hours when I'm down to the wire... but no, that wouldn't make me feel any better, either.

So here's what I'm going to do.

I'm going to fill in the end of the selftypes section as quick as possible. Then I'm going to go back and put my terminology in sync with yours. Then I'll go fill in details I left out. Then I'll fill in conclusions and transitions to tie in our topics. Basically straighten it up in successive passes, making greedy attempts at a final draft so it's ready to be turned in as soon as possible.

Once I've made at least a stab at all of that, I'll look into adding the recursive subtypes material, but at this point it's better to have the material that's already in covered decently than try a completely slapdash new topic. I'll keep working on this after I go to Santa Barbara, I'll have time to kill while everyone there is working during the day.

Boy, I know the lesson here for you is "don't work with Carl on a project like this again"... I'll have to figure out what the lesson for me is, beyond the fact that I already know I procrastinate way too much.

9:20 PM  
Blogger pnkfelix said...

You should not waste time syncing up our terminology.

If I am capable of understanding your sections, that is something I can do while you are on your trip to Santa Barbara (or before that point, even).

If I am not capable of understanding your sections, then you need to rewrite them.

Focus on finishing on adding new content for your sections, and on making the existing content clearer.

3:57 AM  

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